Missio Nordica, in coordination with Bishop Tencer and the Diocesan Director of Iceland – April Frigge, has announced the establishment of an official collection for the Society of St. Peter the Apostle in the Diocese of Reykjavik. This marks the first time that the society will have an officially established collection in the region.
The Society of St. Peter the Apostle (POSPA) was established to support the indigenous clergy. The society promotes, in Christian communities, the awareness of the need to develop local clergy and consecrated life in recently founded missionary Churches. It animates and coordinates missionary collaboration in all the local Churches, through the offering of prayer, sacrifices, and alms, to support the formation of future priests and men and women religious of young Churches, and the necessary preparation of their formators. It collects and distributes financial aid to support seminaries and novitiates, in collaboration with local Christian communities and under the guidance of their pastors.
The official collection in Iceland will take place on the 5th Sunday of Lent, starting from Lent 2024. The funds raised through the collection will be used to support seminaries, education, and formation of priests and religious. In addition to the official collection in Iceland, the Diocese of Copenhagen makes annual contribution based on free donations of the faithful.
The establishment of the official collections in the Nordic countries is expected also to help raise awareness about the Society of St. Peter the Apostle. It is also hoped that the collections will inspire more people to support the society and its work, and to promote the development of local clergy and consecrated life in missionary Churches. With the establishment of these collections, Missio Nordica is furthering its mission of supporting the Church’s work in the region and around the world.