Articles by: Ivan


”Hjärtan i brand, fötter i rörelse” (jfr Luk 24:13-35) Kära bröder och systrar,  Inför årets världsmissionsdag har jag valt ett tema inspirerat av berättelsen om lärjungarna på väg till Emmaus, i Lukasevangeliet 24:13-35: ”Hjärtan i brand, fötter i rörelse”. De två lärjungarna var förvirrade och rädda men mötet med Kristus, i ordet och […]

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Do you want to win an iPad?

Welcome to the Missio Nordica Contest, in celebration of World Youth Day in Portugal! World Youth Day (WYD) is the gathering of young people from all over the world with the Pope. It is also a pilgrimage, a celebration of youth, an expression of the universal Church, as well as […]

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A historic first Missio Conference in the Nordic countries

”Every Christian is called to be a missionary” For the first time in history, the Diocesan directors of Missio Nordica gathered for a regional conference. The main topic of the meeting was to discuss how the Nordic Catholic Dioceses can support the Mission and the young Churches around the World. The […]

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Drawing competition for children and adolescents

On the occasion of the centenary of the denomination the Pontifical Society of the Holy Childhood is announcing a drawing competition for children and adolescents. They are invited to participate by answering the question “What does Missionary Childhood and Adolescence mean for me in terms of being a Society of […]

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