In early June, the Young Catholics in Sweden (Sveriges Unga katoliker, SUK) gathered for their annual national summer camp in Marielund outside Stockholm. The theme of the camp was The Power of Prayer. The national director of Missio in Sweden, Anna Bieniaszewski Sandberg, was invited to talk about the work of Missio in the Nordic countries and throughout the World.
”It was really great to meet these committed young people and tell them about Missio´s work, The Pontifical Mission Societies and especially the story of the blessed Pauline Jaricot. She is a great role model for every young Catholic and her fate is so poignant. I could tell it made a big impression”, Anna said.
After the presentation all the participants gathered at the grotto of the Blessed Virgin Mary i Marielund and prayed the Rosary for the missionary work and the missionaries of the Church.